For developers looking to learn useful tips and tricks.
Hey y'all, David here. You signed up for my newsletter at programmingarehard.com. I'm super jazzed about what I have for you today! One of the inherent benefits of Single Page Apps(SPAs) I took for granted was the logging that comes out of the box via the Network tab in the console. Every api request happens in the browser and you can easily inspect those which is super handy. Once you move to something like Remix/React Router 7, you become painfully aware that you've lost access to that...
Hey y'all, David here. You signed up for my newsletter at programmingarehard.com. Sometimes I have ideas I want to test out in my Remix / React Router apps. But.... I don't want the overhead of doing it in my actual apps or, on the opposite end of the spectrum, want to start from a blank slate. I found the address book tutorial and thought that surely the end result was published somewhere. Not the case. So I went ahead and bit the bullet by going through it and pushing the end result to a...
Hey y'all, David here. You signed up for my newsletter at programmingarehard.com. I'm writing to let you know I've just published a new post about simple trick that seems magical if you don't know how it's working behind the scenes: pasting into multiple form fields at once. Pasting into multiple fields at once. Hope it gives you some idea. Have a stellar Wednesday. ✌️ David